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Find Out What you should Know Before you begin your Life with Crabs

Be sure You know Proper Care and handling before you Buy! They may be too cute for words but you should, as with any pet know what you are in for before taking the step into owning a Hermit crab.

My Links page has lots of Great info sites.

What's Cooking!

Smelt Sushi with Brown Rice and Cucumber on a bed of Spinach and Orange Bell Peper, Garnished With Red Cabage and Clover Sprouts!

YUMMMMM.... Well My Crabs think so..tee hee

Beginning Hermit Crab Tips

Find out all Kinds of neat stuff on the care of Crabs, Feeding, and just the fun of owning one of the coolest Little wonders of the world!

check out my links page!


Want Good sound advice on Hermit crabs?

Check Out The HCA in My Links!